Eating disorders are not a lifestyle; it’s a choice.

Ayeshmanthi Dissanayake
3 min readDec 24, 2020
Photo by Muhammad Ruqiyaddin on Unsplash

Eating disorders are severe and long-lasting illness which affects your health negatively physically and mentally.

These kinds of extreme conditions make you worry too much about your weight, food and body shape, which make you poorly sick. Which also make you unable to get your daily nutrition covered. The illness can cause a severe failure in your heart, kidneys, bones, digestive system etc.

Age groups suffering from these kinds of illnesses.

Specific age groups suffering from these kinds of illnesses are teenagers and young adults, although the illness can grow among other age groups as well. The disease is treatable and would be under control with proper treatments.

There are several types of eating disorders.

Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorders, rumination disorders, Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder etc. The causes of the illness could vary and differ from one another, but the exact cause is still unknown. Some of the reasons could be such as,

1. Mental illnesses (happens to be the most common and root cause of any eating disorder)

2. Genetic and biology factors (changers in brain chemicals)

3. Psychological and emotional health issues (troubled relationships or disturbed mental issues such as low self-esteem etc.)

4. Other complications (such as diet plans, starvation etc.)

People who are bisexual, gay, lesbian and any other sexual orientations have a high risk of getting anorexia and bulimia.

What are these conditions indeed?

let’s see how this works, by taking one as an ex; Anorexia nervosa affects more women more than men.

· Develops during adolescence and young adulthood

· Generally, patients who suffer think that they are overweight while they are underweight

· Overly concerned about their diet plans and restrict calories by avoiding particular food.

· They tend to worry too much their body shape and weight

· They feel satisfied when they lose weight, so they do plenty of exercises

· Less number of patients are found on the age groups of older women and men

· Symptoms of anorexia would be — Fatigue, insomnia, constipation, dry skin, low blood pressure, hair thinning, depressed mood and hunger denial

Though these kinds of illnesses have their own symptoms and have different ways to handle to get cured, every disorder is interconnected and has similarities. Treatment methods may have slightest differences in the form of managing the patient effectively.

Though anorexia makes you eat a minimal amount of food, when it comes to bulimia and binge eating disorders patients, they eat a lot of food in a short amount of time, and then you get instantly start to regret. Also, sicknesses that don’t match any of the symptoms of anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder but still have concerns with food may fall onto OSFED.

This seems to be the most common type of eating disorder in the world. Though I won’t be able to talk about each and every individual eating disorder in the article. I’d highly recommend you to get a pretty good idea of what each and every disease is and make yourself aware of the illness to prevent yourself from suffering its totally worth your time.

Final thoughts

Though when we hear the word ‘eating disorder’ we think there’s something to do with ‘food’ there’s more than that. Food disorders are severe mental illnesses in which people suffer a lot. These kinds of mental diseases cannot be survived alone; they need intense medical support of experts and care.

Can you believe that an estimated number of 20 million women and 10 million men have had an eating disorder at some point of their lifetime lone in the United States.

These kinds of illness tent to grow because of the negative self-image people have on them. Therefore, although It’s beautiful to take care of your body and maintain your body more healthily. It’s always wonderful to be happy with yourselves.

Moreover, the patients need excellent support from the family members to overcome any type of eating disorder. Thus, be wise to identify if you or your loved ones suffer from such an eating disorder.



Ayeshmanthi Dissanayake

Empowering through writing, freelancing, and counseling. Passionate about personal development, relationships, and psychology.