How the fascinating science of the mind Helps us, grow as a person

Ayeshmanthi Dissanayake
2 min readDec 17, 2020

how psychology helps us to get to know ourselves better

The science of the mind or Psychology was invented from two Greek words, ‘Psyche’ and ‘Logos’. Which is an amazing and a fascinating subject area. It has four main goals to describe, explain, predict and change the behaviors and or mental actions of others.

The subject tries to find how things like society, biological facts and environment change the way people think, act and feel. The definition itself gives us a hint ‘the scientific study of human mind and behavior’ also getting to know this fantastic subject help us to understand ourselves and others magically.

How psychology helps to get to know ourselves

1. Getting to know how a person grows

2. From getting to know the changes happen in each stage of our lives

3. How society or outsiders change the way we think or behave

4. Getting to know about your passions, dreams and aspects of life

5. By getting a deeper understanding of how the mind works

6. Getting to know your likes and dislikes

7. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses

8. Getting to know the meaning of your life

Making aware of each item above from the help of Psychology makes you a better version of yourself. I recommend you to spare some time to think about how much you know about your self. You might be wondering why is it that important to know yourself lets have a look why??

The benefits of getting to know yourself

1. People who have a clear idea of themselves tend to have a positive self-image

2. They have higher self-esteem

3. Reduced general anxiety

4. Reduce the number of people who have depression

5. You know when you get stressed out

6. Also, they tend to have good relationships with others

7. Less aggressive towards others

Identifying yourself make you aware of your actions and make you take care of yourself. When you know how to love yourself and take good care of it, you will see the way to love someone else. Further, the excellent subject has different sub-areas to help us become a responsible, upbeat personality

These areas have a significant impact on how to perceive things around us. For, e.g. Positive psychology helps us have a positive self-image which makes us confident individuals

Also, social psychology may help us overcome our social biases and tent to understand people Thus, spare some time to learn something new from the perfect subject Psychology to become a better human a better and more positive personality.



Ayeshmanthi Dissanayake

Empowering through writing, freelancing, and counseling. Passionate about personal development, relationships, and psychology.