The Science of Facial Attractiveness: What Makes a Face Appealing and How It Impacts Our Perception?

Ayeshmanthi Dissanayake
2 min readApr 6, 2023

We all know that we cannot judge a person by their looks. Even a book can not be judged by its cover. But I hope everybody agrees that looks do matter. I mean, who wouldn’t like to look at attractive people. We all try to be attractive to others. Actually, what is beauty? What makes a person look attractive?

We all think of our looks. However, we cannot ignore how good we look cause it plays a significant role in one’s personality. There are still ongoing facts on beauty. Researchers are working on how a person’s beauty affects humans and their behavior. Although beauty is undoubtedly an average thing, some studies have concluded that a person’s features may seem more attractive than others.

According to a research study, which was done to see if it’s nature or nurture. They have studied babies reaction to pretty faces. It came out that babies happen to look for longer at pretty faces. Which meant they preferred pretty faces even without teaching. Also, they happen to identify the faces of their own race. Which means familiar faces were more attractive to them.

Actually, what are good looks? What makes us attractive? Attractiveness is, having pleasant or pleasing physical features. Some physical features are attractive in both men and women, bodily and facial symmetry. Also, in the color of hair, skin types, skin clarity, skin smoothness, the color of the eye,

Studies say that symmetrical faces are more attractive when it comes to shapes the faces. Also, some facts like the distance between the centers of woman’s eye. Distance between woman’s eye and mouth. Makes one beautiful than the other. It said that Symmetrical, pretty individuals are also healthier. Also, even other animals have the same theory of beauty. For, e.g., Peacocks show their features to attract other female peacocks.

Beauty can be biased. It can affect peoples interactions. Earlier people have been favored. Attractive people tend to have more job opportunities and chances. They used to make more money compared to other coworkers at workplaces. People used to believe that pretty faces are more intelligent. Sometimes it’s indeed unavoidable not to stereotype. Appearance is the first thing we judge people on. Some researchers suggest that when we get used to people, we tend to give less importance to looks.



Ayeshmanthi Dissanayake

Empowering through writing, freelancing, and counseling. Passionate about personal development, relationships, and psychology.